Journal Details

  • International Journal on Leadership

    Publisher Publishing India Group
    E-ISSN 2321-1865
    Print ISSN 2321-1865
    Chief Editor Dr. K. Vasanthi Kumari
    Contact email
    Address Publishing India Group 56, 1st Floor, Deepali Enclave, Pitampura New Delhi-110034
    Country India
    Impact Factor Or Status Under Review
    Journal Description

    Being a leader is not just about titles, it is about taking responsibility for making things happen. How one understands, builds leadership skills and applies them on a broader level depends on ones knowledge and confidence to expand beyond boundaries. To navigate todays knowledge economy, business leaders, male or female, increasingly need to pack their skill. New paradigm leaders will continue to set the standard for how to lead a business, sell a vision, create a readiness to reinvent the rules and identify tactics for changing challenges into opportunities. This Journal would provide a forum to researchers, engineers, CEOs and academicians to share their ideas and research in the field of Management. It shall serve as a forum for individuals in the field to publish their research results as well as for interested readers to acquire latest developments and trend in the field of Management and leadership Key Research Areas 1 Strategic Leadership 2 Contemporary Leadership 3 Effective Leadership 4 Leadership Behaviour 5 Leadership Skills 6 Managing Power 7 Conflict 8 Problem Solving 9 Negotiation 10 Succession management

    Journal Language


    Accessibility Type (Free/Paid)


    Area of Specialization

    Leadership and Management

    Starting Year of the Journal


    Online Availability (Yes/No)


    Content Accessibility (Full Text/Abstract/ Table of Content)

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